Income Protection
Income Protection is a monthly benefit that pays you up to 75% of your income if you are u unable to work due to injury or illness
Did you know: Income Protection can be tax deductable
Life insurance
In the event that you die , Life insurance Pays a lump sum payment to your family and dependents
Did you know: Life insurance can be structured in super
TPD insurance
In the event that you become totally and permanently disabled TPD insurance Pays a lump sum payment
Did you know: TPD insurance can be structured in super
Trauma Insurance
Pays a lump sum in the event that you are diagnosed with a specified illness Such as a stroke, cancer, and heart attack,
Did you know: is the most expensive but most claimed
Business Expenses
If you are self employed and unable to work due to injury or illness , business expenses insurance pays a monthly benefit to cover your fixed business expenses .